Healthy teeth, gums and breath
A problem very often neglected in dogs and cats is tartar, plaque and bad breath. These frequently lead to periodontitis, gingivitis or tooth loss, which are very painful, complicated, and difficult to treat.
Why do problems occur in an animal’s mouth?
Bacteria, food debris and chemicals in the saliva are deposited on the teeth of cats and dogs. These substances combine to create plaque, which forms a coating on the teeth. Over time, the layer of plaque thickens and is joined by other types of bacteria that can reach under the gums. This results in inflammation around the teeth and may give rise to “pockets” in the gums, where food debris can also become lodged. Besides bacteria, calcium is also deposited in dental plaque and turns into tartar over time. As tartar is very porous, other bacteria and plaque readily stick to it. If the layer of tartar is thick, it irritates the gums and triggers gingivitis and inflammation. A side effect of this process is very bad breath caused by bacteria and food debris.
Kelparen – preventing tooth and gum problems
Kelparen dental sticks have been developed to provide pet owners with the most effective product possible, harnessing the synergy of active ingredients and mechanical cleaning to tackle problems in animals’ oral cavities.
- removes and prevents bad breath
- prevents plaque deposits and the formation of tartar
- prevents periodontitis and gingiviti
- reduces redness of the gums and soothes irritated mucous membranes

Kelparen’s triple effect
Dental sticks are the only product on the market to combine active ingredients with mechanical cleaning.
- Hyaluronic acid: Soothes gums
A natural soother. Soothes and helps to heal irritated gums. In the mouth, it prevents gum inflammation and the development of gingivitis and periodontitis.
- Kelp seaweed: Eliminates plaque and bad breath
Ascophyllum nodosum is a seaweed containing unique substances that alter the composition of saliva. It effectively inhibits bad breath, prevents plaque deposits and softens tartar.
- Dental sticks: Mechanical cleaning
Chewing gelatine sticks mechanically scours plaque and tartar from the surface of the teeth.
Dental stick dosage
Kelparen has been developed by Czech veterinarians and biologists mainly for small breeds of dogs and cats that have the most common problems with teeth and gums.
Administer Kelparen daily according to the size of the dog or cat. The product should be used for an extended period if it is to provide preventive protection of the teeth and gums. Dental sticks can be used as a treat or reward, or as a training aid for dogs. One pack contains 30 dental sticks, equal to one month’s supply for small dogs and cats.

Effects tested in an independent study
The efficacy of the product has been tested in collaboration with veterinarians at six sites. The study involved 30 dogs using Kelparen continuously for two months. After a month’s use, bad breath decreased significantly in 85% of cases. After two months of treatment, dental plaque was reduced in 76% of cases and tartar in 62% of cases in the study. Veterinarians also observed that mucous membrane swelling receded and gum reddening was alleviated. In some cases, damaged gums no longer bled spontaneously.

The following were involved in the efficacy testing: MVDr. Vladěna Štrosová from Veterinární klinika Rozárka in Hradec Králové, MVDr. Jakub Košťál from Klinika u nádraží in Česká Třebová, MVDr. Jiří Homolka from Veterina Zbuzany Rychnov nad Kněžnouu, MVDr. Jan Karban from Veterinární ambulance in Rychnov nad Kněžnou, MVDr. Radek Palán from Centrum veterinární péče in Česká Třebová, and the sixth site wished to remain anonymous.
Leírás és Paraméterek
Zselés rudak hialuronsavval,melyek meggátolják a kutyák és macskák szájüregéből származó szag kialakulását és csökkentik a fogkő kialakulását. A Kelparen megakadályozza a paradontózis és a gingivitis kialakulását.
5.090 Ft
Kiszerelés (db) | 30 db |
Életkor | Felnőtt |
Testméret | Kistestű (10kg alatti) |
VET--PET | Állatorvosi (VET) |